26 February 2024


Elements of a good presentation

People really know a bad presentation when they see one

What makes a good presentation?

Elements of a good presentation

Know your audience

To whom will you be speaking?

  • lab members

  • other experts

  • general public

Elements of a good presentation

Know your audience

How much time do I have?

  • <10 min (lightning talk)

  • 15-20 (standard conference)

  • 45-50 min (full seminar)

Elements of a good presentation

Know your room

If possible, check out the space well ahead of time

  • Is there a podium or stage?
  • Is there a lectern?
  • Is there a microphone?
  • Is there a laser pointer & how does it work?

Elements of a good presentation

Be yourself

  • People enjoy authenticity
  • Show enthusiasm & excitement
  • Use gestures & vocal inflections

Elements of a good presentation

Tell a story

beginning / middle / end

  • Start with context
  • Frame the problem
  • Provide highlights
  • Summarize take-home message(s)

Elements of a good presentation

Keep it simple

  • Avoid jargon to the extent possible
  • Use equations judiciously (use words whenever possible)
  • data = truth ± error

Elements of a good presentation

Prepare, practice & perfect

  • Give yourself ample time to analyze & create
  • Practice. Practice. Practice.
  • Beware of “um”, “uh”, “you know”
  • Consider writing out the first few sentences

Elements of a good presentation

Take care of yourself

  • Get plenty of rest
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Beware of your caffeine intake
  • Eat something light beforehand

Elements of a good presentation

Look & act professional

  • Dress for the occasion
  • Check your posture & hands & pockets
  • Smile
  • Speak loudly & proudly
  • Use humor judiciously
  • Talk to the audience, not the screen
  • Take your time to explain things

Elements of a good presentation

Slide layouts

  • Use color judiciously
  • Use high contrast colors & backgrounds
  • Beware of templates
  • Use large fonts (16+ point)
  • Build up concepts from their components
  • Never apologize for a slide or image

Elements of a good presentation

Title slide

  • Use a short but informative title
  • List your name & affiliation
  • List your email & possibly social media handle

Elements of a good presentation

Bullets & phrases

  • Text is for the audience, not you
  • Use short phrases, not sentences (3-7 words)
  • Don’t read your own text

Elements of a good presentation

Plots & graphics

  • Keep them simple
  • Walk people through plots (axes, points, lines, colors)
  • A pictures is worth a 1000 words
  • Beware of poor contrast of text/images

Elements of a good presentation


  • Just don’t…
  • If necessary, keep it small (2x2, 3x3)

Elements of a good presentation


  • Be sure to thank your collaborators, technicians & funders
  • I like to do this in the beginning

Elements of a good presentation

Summary slide(s)

  • Consider 1-3 simple take-home messages
  • List your email & possibly social media handle
  • Use a definitive closing statement (eg, “Thank you”)
  • Avoid “Thank you!” or “Questions?” slides

Elements of a good presentation

Questions & answers

  • This can be the hardest part of your talk
  • Repeating the Q shows you understand & gives you time to think
  • Don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know”
  • Try to defuse antagonistic people (“I can talk to you afterward”)

Social media for science


Trevor Branch