5 February 2024
Things to consider
Look over the journal’s “scope”
For example, Can J Fish Aquat Sci
Number of citations in year t divided by total publications during the previous two years
\[ \text{IF}_t = \frac{citations_t}{pubs_{t-1} + pubs_{t-2}} \]
Use Web of Science to find a journal of interest
Enter the name of the journal and its impact factor here
Guidelines list important details about
Page charges vary widely among journals; options include
Navigate to the website for the journal you chose earlier to find its impact factor
Find the publication cost(s) and enter it here
2 reasons for (good) cover letters:
publishing is a business—will your article make them money?
editors are busy—can you follow directions?
Dear Sirs,
I am sending you our manuscript entitled “Patterns in fish size across lakes”. We would like to have the manuscript considered for publication in your journal.
Please let me know of your decision at your earliest convenience.
Sincerely yours,
Lance Manion, PhD
Taylor & Francis
Up-Goer Five Text Editor restricts you to the 1000 most commonly used words
Use the Up-Goer Five Text Editor to write a 4-5 sentence description of your research interests
When finished, copy your paragraph and paste it here
The increasingly important online side of journals allows authors to include additional info in supplementary material
We are witnessing an increasing number of examples where the original analysis cannot be reproduced
According to the National Science Foundation:
The calculation of quantitative scientific results by independent researchers using the original data and methods
Reproducibility can be further broken down
“A standard and easily recognizable way for organizing the digital materials of a project to enable others to inspect, reproduce, and extend the research.”
–Marwick et al. (2018)
Project organization should follow the conventions of the scientific community
Project organization should follow the conventions of the scientific community
Maintain a clear separation of data, methods and output
|-code |-01_data-ingest.R |-02_data-cleaning.R |-03_data-QAQC.R |-04_model-fitting.R |-05_create-figures.R |-data |-skagit_steelhead-escapement.csv |-skagit_river-flow.csv
Project organization should follow the conventions of the scientific community
Maintain a clear separation of data, methods and output
Specify the computational environment
Organize your compendium so another person knows what to expect from the plain meaning of the file and directory names
Marwick et al (2018)
Marwick et al (2018)
Marwick et al (2018)
Marwick et al (2018)
Version control
Version control
Version control
Version control
One could always create a structure from scratch
Alternatively, consider some existing tools